

    这是近年来评分很高的优质动漫,快来看看吧! HEO Saeng-Won is an ageing market vendor. He has been a peddler all his life. After a long day at the marketplace in Bongpyeong village, he follows his fellow peddler JO Seon-Dal into an inn where he meets a young itinerant vendor, Dong-I. As the three accompany each other under the moonlight along the buckwheat flowers, HEO Saeng-Won realizes he has a special bond with Dong-I. ‘I’ toil on the field day and night as a servant for a man who has promised to give his daughter’s hand to me in return for my labor. The man, however, keeps putting off the wedding, saying that his daughter is not growing fast enough. One day, out of fury, I call the man to the ultimate match. KIM, who earns his living by driving a rickshaw, gets out on the street again, even after hearing from his wife that she is seriously ill. KIM then gets to drive an unusually large number of customers that day, and begins to suspect something hideous may lie ahead of his sudden good fortune. At the end of the long and hard day, KIM returns home, with an inexplicable sense of fear weighing down on his heart.


    艾伦·耶格尔 三笠·阿克曼


    下野纮 田口宏子 阪田佳代 猪口有佳


    西萩五十铃 国分优香里 市濑秀和 井上优 木内秀信 近藤隆 饭田利信 明坂聪美 稻村优奈 吉田仁美 竹内顺子 蒋里美 中村太亮 田中理惠 三瓶由布子 深见梨加 大谷美贵 松山鹰志 高木俊 松风雅也 汤屋敦子 柳原哲也 河野匡泰 宍户留美 铃木真仁 冈部凉音 根本正胜 屋良有作 增田裕生 山本匠马 津田健次郎 高坂笃志 岩崎征实 寺崎裕香 水野理纱 安田裕 池田政典 高桥广树 藤原祐规 中野裕斗 汤泽幸一郎 国立幸 胜矢 上原健太 镰苅健太 大桥贤一郎 永野广一 丰永利行 内藤玲 石井翔子 平野贵裕 前田刚


    田中真弓 冈村明美 中井和哉 平田广明
